Bras: The True Story of an Ample Bust

Bras: The True Story of an Ample Bust

Women with big boobs have it tough sometimes I hate those ads for cute lacy bras or the ads that show cups free hanging off the ta-tas with nary a string. The result shows how she can now wear those cute tops and flowy backless maxi dresses with ease. That’s SO...
The Paradox

The Paradox

Is wanting to look good while simultaneously “not caring what people think”  a paradox? Are you or I hypocrites for wanting to be seen as beautiful but also wanting to dodge the judgment? Maybe, but I want to explore it more. Because I don’t feel like a hypocrite....
Jeans, How to find a better fit

Jeans, How to find a better fit

What is the secret to shopping for jeans? This week I had a little time to myself in between errands. What did I decide to do with that time? Get a pedicure? Treat myself to a coffee date? Go to the park? NO, I did my most favorite thing… Fashion research! I do...
4 steps to Parisian Style

4 steps to Parisian Style

Source Have you ever seen something cute on someone else or on Pinterest and thought “how cute, I’d like to try that”, but something stops you? You don’t have the “thing” you want to try or you don’t know if it’ll look good on you. You don’t have the same hair or...

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